Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain
Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain
Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain
Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain
Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain
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  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain
  • Load image into Gallery viewer, Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain
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Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain

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Senri Kawaguchi CD debut 10th Anniversary original Key chain

An original key chain commemorating the 10th anniversary of Senri Kawaguchi's CD debut has been completed! ! If you remove the snap, you can store small items. A few coins. "AirTag" (smart tag) that helps prevent loss, and if you're a guitarist, it might be fashionable to put a pick in it, right? The leather uses "Margot", which is the finest Italian leather. The surface is scratch-processed, and the color deepens with each use, so you can enjoy the change over time. (You can clean it with a dry cloth and light brushing.) The builder is Violette, my favorite Italian leather processing shop. Violette Leather Works (Tokyo Hamadayama)

川口千里のCDデビュー10周年を記念したオリジナル・キーホルダーが完成しました!! スナップを外せば、ちょっとした小物を収納することが可能です。 硬貨なら数枚。紛失防止に役立つ”AirTag”(スマートタグ)や、、ギタリストさんならピックを入れてもオシャレかもしれませんね? 革にはイタリアンレザーの中でも上質な「マルゴー(margot)」を使用。 表面にはスクラッチ加工が施されており、使うごとに色合いも深まり、経年変化が楽しめます。(お手入れは乾拭きと軽めのブラッシングだけでオーケーです) ビルダーは、お気に入りのイタリアンレザー加工ショップ、Violetteさんです。 Violette Leather Works(ヴィオレッテ・レザーワークス/東京・浜田山)